
I just got off the phone with the Iowa Attorney General's office regarding Ed Failor Sr., Ed Failor Jr., and the Iowans For Tax Relief at taxrelief.org regarding their nonprofit status and their paypal PAC scheme.

Great advice as to how to proceed with the formal complaint against this sham nonprofit called Iowans For Tax Relief.

An Iowa City meetup open to the public on July 3rd evening if you can make it to the IC Pedestrian Mall - free street parking after 5pm in Iowa City - all bikers welcome !

see :


and meetup.com for more details !

Don't forget to reserve your seats on June 30th even if Dr. Paul is explicitly excluded.
It is no cost to reserve your seats - and yes we can all attend to boo I suppose.

Re: Out of state it's almost ok in many regards.

The Iowa Straw Poll until recent history has been a very shady affair - with people -mostly youngun's of votin' age - goin' into the restroom to wash off their handstamps after voting.

As long as the party wants to kick in the money it HAD been ok with the Iowa GOP.

George W. helped clean it up some in 2000 when he bussed people in - 2004 GOP straw poll was a non-event really.

Romney is organizing his bus charters - uses Peoria Charters for one company -

15,000 bikers can easily block that.

The purpose of the Iowa Straw Poll is to show organization - and kick in money to the Iowa GOP if the campaign is willing to. Shame with all the money Rudy makes on his 9/11 lies.

Rudy and McCain can argue that their poor showing is that they didn't choose to compete - their bad !

Have a Happy Summer everybuddy !

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