
National review


Sen. McCain to Sen. Kennedy " psst "Let's say it's not an amnesty"

“If someone else has a better idea, I’d love to have them give it to us.” That was John McCain, challenging his fellow Republican presidential candidates in early June to offer an alternative to the amnesty bill he helped craft with Ted Kennedy. Well, here’s a better idea: enforce the law.

By Mark Krikorian


It's the Hilton for Ron Paul

This may be a spoof only in part . . .

From the offices of PARIS HILTON, LYNWOOD, CA.

In a surprisingly candid interview with MSNBC's Matt Lauer, entertainment icon Ms. Paris Hilton today announced her endorsement of Ron Paul's (R-TX) candidacy. Speaking from a jail pay phone to Lauer, who was in New York City, Hilton explained she was in a "serious period" of her life and had studied the candidates during recreational time spent in the jail library.

Hilton announced: "I promised I would 'pay attention to everything' when that guy in the robe at the courthouse was so mad at me. And I've had a lot of time to search the web since I've been here. I was just so impressed that the man was almost as popular as me, and I was like 'who is this guy?'.

Paris' Hollywood Hills neighborhood was full of Ron Paul yard signs about an hour after the interview aired.

Paris continued her praise of Paul, saying: "He won all of the debates. He's just so popular! I'm a Ron Paul junkie now."

Jail has been a rough ride for Paris. She admits was a little bored at first and didn't get along with the other inmates. But after she introduced them all to Ron Paul, Paris says she's become something of a hit. "There are a few girls in here for first time drug offenses and they also want to vote for Ron Paul now because he's like against the war on drugs and stuff. At first, they didn't like me but after I started showing them Ron Paul videos on Youtube, they got all excited! Ron Paul helped me become popular even in Jail."

When asked on her feelings for Hillary Clinton, Paris replied: "Ewww. Like, no way! Do you know that people on the net call her 'Hitlery'? She is so 5 minutes ago. Besides, "Ron Paul would own her in the election or something."

As to what she planned on doing once she was released, Paris gave a rundown, "First thing, a double double with grilled onions, fries and a chocolate shake. Then I'm going to the Ron Paul meetup in Beverly Hills. I think my Dad's gonna be pissed 'cause he's a big military industrial complex welfare/warfare advocate.

But Dad really needs to be for the ten-term Congressman and Vietnam veteran Ron Paul."


I just got off the phone with the Iowa Attorney General's office regarding Ed Failor Sr., Ed Failor Jr., and the Iowans For Tax Relief at taxrelief.org regarding their nonprofit status and their paypal PAC scheme.

Great advice as to how to proceed with the formal complaint against this sham nonprofit called Iowans For Tax Relief.

An Iowa City meetup open to the public on July 3rd evening if you can make it to the IC Pedestrian Mall - free street parking after 5pm in Iowa City - all bikers welcome !

see :


and meetup.com for more details !

Don't forget to reserve your seats on June 30th even if Dr. Paul is explicitly excluded.
It is no cost to reserve your seats - and yes we can all attend to boo I suppose.

Re: Out of state it's almost ok in many regards.

The Iowa Straw Poll until recent history has been a very shady affair - with people -mostly youngun's of votin' age - goin' into the restroom to wash off their handstamps after voting.

As long as the party wants to kick in the money it HAD been ok with the Iowa GOP.

George W. helped clean it up some in 2000 when he bussed people in - 2004 GOP straw poll was a non-event really.

Romney is organizing his bus charters - uses Peoria Charters for one company -

15,000 bikers can easily block that.

The purpose of the Iowa Straw Poll is to show organization - and kick in money to the Iowa GOP if the campaign is willing to. Shame with all the money Rudy makes on his 9/11 lies.

Rudy and McCain can argue that their poor showing is that they didn't choose to compete - their bad !

Have a Happy Summer everybuddy !


Ron Paul is no flipper -

shares the first name of the Gipper !

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, a strict constitutionalist and fierce anti-war critic was a USAF Vietnam vet between 1963 and 1968.

Paul, a nine-term congressman who represents a district just south of Houston that includes Galveston and stretches along the Gulf Coast nearly to Corpus Christi, describes himself as a lifelong Libertarian running as a Republican.

Paul has spent most of his career outside the GOPs traditional circles. He limits his view of the role of the federal government to those specifically laid out in the U.S. Constitution. As a result, he sometimes casts votes that appear at odds with his constituents and other Republicans.

Paul, for example, was the only Republican congressman to vote against Department of Defense appropriations for fiscal year 2007, which he opposed because of the war in Iraq — a war he says is "not necessary for our actual security."

Dallas Morning News


All flipper and No Gipper

In the 1970s, The Rolling Stone began to make a mark for its political coverage and now in 2007 it is getting in to the fray with an article in it's May 31 edition where Tim Dickinson takes shots at the GOP race with a piece titled :
ALL FLIPPER, NO GIPPER - The GOP's pathetic candidadates, or : Why three wrongs can't please the right."

Among some of the harshest criticism is that directed at Willard (Mitt)Romney -
"Romney has flip-flopped on nearly every political position he has ever taken."
and cancer patient Fred Thompson - "This is a man who served eight undistinguished, skirt-chasing years in the Senate before stepping down because the job required too much effort.
"I don't like spending fourteen- and sixteen-hour days voting."

The exception is the constitutionalist Republican from a Gulf Coast district of Texas - and another Ron - Ron Paul.


"Bin Ladin’s grievance with the United States may have started in reaction to specific U.S. policies . . ."


Giuliani's interruption was nothing more than an insult for the purposes of political grandstanding.

Is Paul having an impact?
Asked Thursday 05.17.2007 what impact he is having on the Republican presidential race, Paul said, “I think it might be significant that one of the so-called front-runners needed to attack me on national television. They must think I’m having enough of an impact that they have to try to discredit me. That was the purpose of the (Giuliani) attack: to discredit me so that my foreign policy challenge wouldn’t be heard.”

Pope John Paul The Great - on Iraq war

John Paul II stated before the 2003 war that this war would be a defeat for humanity which could not be morally or legally justified.

" War is not always inevitable. It is always a defeat for humanity. ..."

Rush (happier than a person has a right to be) Limbaugh clearly is not protected by freedom of speech when his diatribe promotes and incites riot.

promote global discontent with the United States and his Guantanomo Bay "Get your Gitmo gear " profit scheme.

confiscation and seizure of assets


The Buckeye Pipeline Station at JFK Intl. Airport can be
reached at (718) 656-5746; and at LaGuardia Airport their number is (718)


Constitutional Scholar Ron Paul in Ontario on Saturday April 21

Updated CRA Convention Agenda

CRA Convention

Saturday, April 21, 2007

9:00–11:45 am

General Session
Credentials Committee Report
Treasurers Report
Rules Committee Report
By-Laws Committee Report

Guest Speakers:
11:00 – CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL (TX) Candidate for President
12:15 pm

Reception with Luncheon Speakers
12:45-2:30 pm

Luncheon Banquet

2:30 – 2:45 pm Assemblyman Chuck DeVore
Immediately following lunch:

Break-Out Session (Sycamore & Walnut Rooms and
Vendor Area visiting (Redwood & Calla Rooms)

Dr Stan Monteith, Radio Liberty, Talk Radio Host, Writer, Lecturer
(other break-out speakers to be announced)
3:15-5:30 pm

General Session
Nominations for CRA Offices-CRA Candidates Speak

Guest Speakers:
Orlean Koehle, CA President, Eagle Forum

CRA Senate District Director’s Elections

Saturday Night, April 21, 2007

6:30 pm

Dinner Banquet
CLIFF KINCAID, Editor of the AIM Report
North American Union “Conspiracy” Exposed
After Banquet

(Committee Meetings as necessary)

Letter from Presidential darkhorse/contender Ron Paul

April 17, 2007

Dear friend,

Our campaign trips to New Hampshire and Arizona were very successful as I reported to you earlier. I'm now pleased to report that our recent trip to Iowa was equally successful.

On Wednesday, April 11th, I met with several conservative leaders for breakfast in Cedar Rapids. Afterwards, I was interviewed by members of the editorial board of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Following that interview, I appeared on the CBS television affiliate for a live broadcast.

The College Republicans at the University of Iowa sponsored a speaking engagement for me that afternoon. The room was completely full and folks were standing in the hall. That evening, it was standing-room only again for a fundraising reception in Ankeny. One couple drove 190 miles in snow to attend the reception! Everyone's enthusiasm filled the room that night.

On Thursday morning, popular Des Moines radio host Jan Michelson of WHO interviewed me for 90 minutes in studio. Our conversation was lively as were the callers. It was then off to the Des Moines Register for a meeting with members of the editorial board. Later, I met with a large group of supporters at a restaurant in Ames.

Iowa State University had me speak Thursday night as part of its lectures program. Over 200 people attended. Among them was a couple and their children who drove seven hours from Minnesota to attend! The Iowa State College Republicans hosted a reception for us after the lecture.

Enthusiastic support for our campaign was found in New Hampshire and then Arizona and now Iowa. I appreciate the hospitality and support from people in those states, as well as the support and encouragement from folks across the country. I'll be speaking at the state convention of the California Republican Assembly this Saturday in Ontario, California and am looking forward to meeting fellow conservatives there.

Thank you again for supporting our campaign! Please ask family and friends to join us by going to http://www.RonPaul2008.com .


Ron Paul



"Every member of Congress who votes for CAFTA is voting to abdicate power to an international body in direct violation of the Constitution."

"When we grant quasi-governmental international bodies the power to make decisions about American trade rules, we lose sovereignty plain and simple."

"I encourage every conservative and libertarian who supports CAFTA to read the ILO declaration and consider whether they still believe the treaty will make America more free."

The Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement, commonly called DR-CAFTA ( pronounced "Doctor Cafta" ), is a free trade agreement (legally a treaty under international law, but not under US law). Originally, the agreement encompassed the United States and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and was called CAFTA. In 2004, the Dominican Republic joined the negotiations, and the agreement was renamed DR-CAFTA.

The United States Senate approved the DR-CAFTA on 6.20.05 by a vote of 54-45, and the House of Representatives approved the pact on 7.27.05 by a vote of 217-215, with two representatives not voting. For procedural reasons, the Senate took a second vote on CAFTA on 7.28.05 and the pact garnered an additional vote from Sen. Joe Lieberman — who had been absent — in favor of the agreement.

The implementing legislation became Public Law 109-053 when it was signed by President George W. Bush on 8.2.05.

CAFTA "negotiations" between the US and Central American countries were held behind closed doors. The public was not able to participate in these deliberations, and had little or no input in the original text. Only after it was narrowly approved by the US Congress, and after "negotiations" had finalized, was the text made available to the Central American population. These closed door meetings are a source of skepticism and outrage to all U.S. business owners, entrepreneurs, and employees - with perhaps especially California and other States' smaller farmers possibly affected the most. We should all be strict Constitutionalists on this one.

Prominent among the critics of CAFTA is economist Joseph Stiglitz, who supports free trade, but argues that without fairer trade agreements, the benefits from trade will not be realized. He says that NAFTA and CAFTA will increase poverty because they prematurely open markets to US agricultural goods which are subsidized, making local farmers unable to compete with imports, and the nations in question do not have the ability to bear the costs of switching resources with their available capital, nor deal with the consequences of even short-term unemployment. He argues that these agreements have been more geo-political than economic, and that the essential problem with recent bilateral agreements, including CAFTA, is not that they are not free-trade agreements. More generally, he argues that bilateral agreements fail to produce all the benefits expected, in part because of the inequality of the negotiating position of the parties involved.

Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas)on 6.7.05 :

The Central America Free Trade Agreement, known as CAFTA, will be the source of intense political debate in Washington this summer. The House of Representatives will vote on CAFTA ratification in June, while the Senate likely will vote in July.

I oppose CAFTA for a very simple reason: it is unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly grants Congress alone the authority to regulate international trade. The plain text of Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 is incontrovertible. Neither Congress nor the President can give this authority away by treaty, any more than they can repeal the First Amendment by treaty. This fundamental point, based on the plain meaning of the Constitution, cannot be overstated. Every member of Congress who votes for CAFTA is voting to abdicate power to an international body in direct violation of the Constitution.

We don’t need government agreements to have free trade. We merely need to lower or eliminate taxes on the American people, without regard to what other nations do. Remember, tariffs are simply taxes on consumers. Americans have always bought goods from abroad; the only question is how much our government taxes us for doing so. As economist Henry Hazlitt explained, tariffs simply protect politically-favored special interests at the expense of consumers, while lowering wages across the economy as a whole. Hazlitt, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and countless other economists have demolished every fallacy concerning tariffs, proving conclusively that unilateral elimination of tariffs benefits the American people. We don’t need CAFTA or any other international agreement to reap the economic benefits promised by CAFTA supporters, we only need to change our own harmful economic and tax policies. Let the rest of the world hurt their citizens with tariffs; if we simply reduce tariffs and taxes at home, we will attract capital and see our economy flourish.

It is absurd to believe that CAFTA and other trade agreements do not diminish American sovereignty. When we grant quasi-governmental international bodies the power to make decisions about American trade rules, we lose sovereignty plain and simple. I can assure you firsthand that Congress has changed American tax laws for the sole reason that the World Trade Organization decided our rules unfairly impacted the European Union. Hundreds of tax bills languish in the House Ways and Means committee, while the one bill drafted strictly to satisfy the WTO was brought to the floor and passed with great urgency last year.

The tax bill in question is just the tip of the iceberg. The quasi-judicial regime created under CAFTA will have the same power to coerce our cowardly legislature into changing American laws in the future. Labor and environmental rules are inherently associated with trade laws, and we can be sure that CAFTA will provide yet another avenue for globalists to impose the Kyoto Accord and similar agreements on the American people. CAFTA also imposes the International Labor Organization’s manifesto, which could have been written by Karl Marx, on American business. I encourage every conservative and libertarian who supports CAFTA to read the ILO declaration and consider whether they still believe the treaty will make America more free.

CAFTA means more government! Like the UN, NAFTA, and the WTO, it represents another stone in the foundation of a global government system. Most Americans already understand they are governed by largely unaccountable forces in Washington, yet now they face having their domestic laws influenced by bureaucrats in Brussels, Zurich, or Mexico City.

CAFTA and other international trade agreements do not represent free trade. Free trade occurs in the absence of government interference in the flow of goods, while CAFTA represents more government in the form of an international body. It is incompatible with our Constitution and national sovereignty, and we don’t need it to benefit from international trade."

We encourage your financial and grassroots support for Ron Paul but most important we are only asking for your vote for Ron Paul in the Republican California primary on February 5, 2008 - "Giga Tuesday" - toward his GOP nomination for President of these United States.

"The most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen."
--Justice Louis Brandeis

Your comments are welcomed here.