
Ron Paul is no flipper -

shares the first name of the Gipper !

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, a strict constitutionalist and fierce anti-war critic was a USAF Vietnam vet between 1963 and 1968.

Paul, a nine-term congressman who represents a district just south of Houston that includes Galveston and stretches along the Gulf Coast nearly to Corpus Christi, describes himself as a lifelong Libertarian running as a Republican.

Paul has spent most of his career outside the GOPs traditional circles. He limits his view of the role of the federal government to those specifically laid out in the U.S. Constitution. As a result, he sometimes casts votes that appear at odds with his constituents and other Republicans.

Paul, for example, was the only Republican congressman to vote against Department of Defense appropriations for fiscal year 2007, which he opposed because of the war in Iraq — a war he says is "not necessary for our actual security."

Dallas Morning News


All flipper and No Gipper

In the 1970s, The Rolling Stone began to make a mark for its political coverage and now in 2007 it is getting in to the fray with an article in it's May 31 edition where Tim Dickinson takes shots at the GOP race with a piece titled :
ALL FLIPPER, NO GIPPER - The GOP's pathetic candidadates, or : Why three wrongs can't please the right."

Among some of the harshest criticism is that directed at Willard (Mitt)Romney -
"Romney has flip-flopped on nearly every political position he has ever taken."
and cancer patient Fred Thompson - "This is a man who served eight undistinguished, skirt-chasing years in the Senate before stepping down because the job required too much effort.
"I don't like spending fourteen- and sixteen-hour days voting."

The exception is the constitutionalist Republican from a Gulf Coast district of Texas - and another Ron - Ron Paul.


"Bin Ladin’s grievance with the United States may have started in reaction to specific U.S. policies . . ."


Giuliani's interruption was nothing more than an insult for the purposes of political grandstanding.

Is Paul having an impact?
Asked Thursday 05.17.2007 what impact he is having on the Republican presidential race, Paul said, “I think it might be significant that one of the so-called front-runners needed to attack me on national television. They must think I’m having enough of an impact that they have to try to discredit me. That was the purpose of the (Giuliani) attack: to discredit me so that my foreign policy challenge wouldn’t be heard.”

Pope John Paul The Great - on Iraq war

John Paul II stated before the 2003 war that this war would be a defeat for humanity which could not be morally or legally justified.

" War is not always inevitable. It is always a defeat for humanity. ..."

Rush (happier than a person has a right to be) Limbaugh clearly is not protected by freedom of speech when his diatribe promotes and incites riot.

promote global discontent with the United States and his Guantanomo Bay "Get your Gitmo gear " profit scheme.

confiscation and seizure of assets


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